Sunday, January 15, 2012


I accidentally deleted this post so I lost all five of the lovely comments. I was experimenting with the ipad, and I just cannot get photos to post.... And then I got mixed up.... Ah, blog master for sure! 

 The cold wind has a certain, unmistakable call. I sit here with a steaming cup of English toffee coffee. Mom has her magazines, and I gently glide from house to house. Through your tea parties, through your successes and through your new endeavors. Some of you feel like old friends. I can tell when you are celebrating, and I think I can tell the days when your hearts are sad and weary. This community of bloggers is an amazing, not-to-be-described family of sisters. Sometimes we are looking for that ultimate recipe, that beautiful camera snap of lace and roses on a hall table... With cookies and candlelight... and sometimes we simply seek a connection in spirit, in yearning and fulfillment of that beautiful life we all pursue. I have more friends who do not blog than those who do, and to those without our community there is a sense of doubt... I sense their hesitation As they ponder the wisdom of showing one's life online, they just cannot know why we blog until they experience the common tapestry of our daily round. Although most of us will never lay eyes on the homes and faces of our blog land friends, our thoughts and lives are changed because of something we have read or seen in each. other's lives. Thank you all for being sisters in the blog world. Your quests for joy and the good in life offer me daily inspiration

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