Tuesday, May 31, 2011

If not now, when?

 This little birdhouse is actually a small night light.  And I made it!!!  I found all the materials at a local craft store and decided to try to replicate the one I saw in the store (Ben Franklin at Macon).  It goes right along with the birds I'm seeing everywhere and the happy ones outside my window every morning..
 One of my favorite things to do in the early  morning is grab a cup of wonderful hot tea or coffee and slip down here by my window.  I check up on all of you in Blogland and discover the many joys of having many new events happening to my blogging friends. 
 My dad had a star-shaped birdhouse, and it is home to a cozy wren family right outside my door above the woodland ferns he transplanted from our forest.  Almost any time of the day is a good time to spot that little wren coming out of the wee hole in the star...
My jewelry box holds a few special pieces, some I wear often and others I simply enjoy having to look through on a rainy Missouri morning (and we had another one of those today.)

Mom and I went through an old desk today, sorting the papers and pens, cards, envelopes, and old craft projects.  Some cards and stationery in there belonged to my grandmother as long ago as 1980 and earlier probably...  We saved so many envelopes (in case) that I teased Mom she could write to someone every day for the rest of her life, my life, and an unborn child's life somewhere....  Maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but we have a lot of envelopes...

If not now, when?  That is the question posed by Mark Nebo in a daybook he writes about his journey with a life-threatening illness...  He writes it took the illness to wake his life to the reality of brevity...  of the swift passage of our days...  It is a wake up call for sure, one to rival my dear birdies...

Have a beautiful week...  Enjoy the singing of your own special song... now.

1 comment:

Becky K. said...

Love all your bird items...and the message of the post. Treasuring the moments and treating our time as precious.