Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thinkin' about Fall

Here are the pumpkins I promised from my favorite store, Randolph Mercantile. We were able to attend the open house last week, and the weather was beautiful. My only purchase, the brown cord lights for my country tree, haven't made their way to the branches yet. The Queen of Seasons calls, and I am its slave....

This morning dawned with a bang. Lightning and thunder played across the house and disrupted all thoughts of sleep. Our electricity went off at 7 a.m. and didn't return until after noon. We made the executive call to do Chinese takeout from Macon's China Garden, my absolute favorite Chinese restaurant. It was delicious!The kids came over for Chinese and Spinner, and my son helped me get some totes of Autumn out.... I am in the mood to decorate all night, but I think that will pass with a Tylenol. haha... I found a shot of my cat Sally in my Facebook albums tonight... I really miss that little girl. The kids talk about her a lot to make me feel a part of her life. She is still the ultimate diva of the house!

Have a great last week of summer, you Summer Sun Worshippers...


Becky K. said...

It feels, looks and smells of Fall here this morning. I LOVE it!!

Becky K.

Anonymous said...

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- Norman