Saturday, August 14, 2010

Summer's End....

Nothing signals the end of summer like the annual Bevier Homecoming...
My girls from school, dressed in finery and vying for the cherished title of Homecoming Queen...
I loved taking this picture with timed release to show the blur and motion of the rides...
Local talent....
a ferris wheel....

All of this takes place in just one city block... I remember being amazed when I was finally old enough to discover the location of this magical event... I couldn't believe it all meshed into this tiny green square right in the middle of the town by the Baptist Church.... Many memories, just like the ones captured this summer.

Friday was my first day back at school. We are on the through-bus of time, faces planted at the windows, watching in amazement as our lives flicker by in sunny fields, cloudy mornings, and brilliant rock-a-billy nights.... Enjoy.


Lisa Pogue said...

I'm so glad you posted this. It looks huge doesn't it? I didn't make it again this year. Wanted to go last night, but just couldn't bring myself to get over there. Definitely a huge indicator that summer is over. A bittersweet end when I was younger...the fun of summer and the excitement of school starting stirred a lot of emotions for me.

Maggey and Jim said...

Great pics.. Our one and only Grandson started college at Mizzou..We are all long-faced here..Where did the time go??