Thursday, April 15, 2010

zip I caught a bumblebee....

and zip, I let him go again.. That was a saying of my dad's when something came and left in a big hurry. So goes the tale of the three little kittens. My mom had my cousin put them and the mama cat in a safe place, the old playhouse, AKA old smokehouse, AKA future studio I dream of.... Well, the next morning I went out to let the Mama out and zero kitties at all were in there. We don't really know what happened. Maybe she moved them one at a time, or maybe she didn't... She shows up sometimes for a bit and eats in her usual spot, but she was not having our "relocation" plan... Sooooo, no pics of kitties today...

We'll have to settle for some great homemade Oatmeal cookies... Yum!


Maggey and Jim said...

NOooooooo,, hope you find them.. Sorry but Momma kittys are like that..

Becky K. said...

I'm guessing she has them in a very nice and safe spot. Hope so!

Becky K.

Megan said...

Yummmmm! Those cookies look delicious! :) said...

Mama cats can be fussy about where they want their babies. And they don't always chose the best places!