Rainy Saturday

Hi... just a bit of my personality at the thought of my location! We have encountered a roadblock to our happy Saturday drives today. I mentioned Mom had been ill, and we have wound up in the hospital for tests and recuperation. Not sure what's wrong yet, but we are in the cardiac wing for a part of it. Everyone is very sweet, and I spent the night in the big comfy chair... (!) Watched Footloose on TVLand last night. Then I looked up where are they now... Age has wreaked havoc on several of those movie stars... However, since it is a cardiac wing, NO CAFFEINE--- even for guests. I begged a cup of real coffee this morning, and am living for another one in the afternoon.
Tonight is Prom at school. We are doing Midnight Masquerade similar to this shot from the catalog.... Storms across the Midwest today... Bad for Prom babes...
I will have to catch it via Facebook.... Hugs!


Denise Marie said…
prayers that your prom baby will have a happy and safe night. my neice is going in Utah too. I love that cat picture!!
Hope Mom is feeling better soon. I am glad you are there, but so understand the need of caffeine!
Hope they find some answers for your mom soon. {{{}}}
Maggey and Jim said…
Sorry bout your Mom.. hope nothing serious.. We have had storms here too and over an inch of rain.. Prom for my Indiana granddaughter too. Hang in there, we are all thinking of you;;;;
Becky K. said…
Hope your Mother is feeling well enough to be home soon. I'll be praying for you both.

I am oh, so very happy to have the dress up and stay out late parts of graduation done here at Hospitality Lane. Moms don't necessarily enjoy those evenings as much as the kids, in my experience.


Becky K.
What a great time to be a girl, love the prom-the memories- hope it went as you expected-
i still have all of my dance dresses, home coming, and prom- i saved (as if my girls would want them) or maybe to see if i still can fit into them???
Your a good daughter.

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