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If you look closely, you can still see the little deer head in the yard. It's making me suffocated to look at it, so I hope it melts a little soon!....
To the far right is the front end loader and our neighbor, rescuing us from the frozen tundra....
Ugh.... Underneath all this is frozen rain and sleet which will be an icy glue holding my car doors shut....
Lovely to look at, icy to hold! If you want to be out today, you sure are BOLD!!! (and cold)... No school, of course. Our driveway was next to impossible, due to frozen slush that had deep ruts, and then deeply drifted areas that were pushed to the side... Our neighbor, bless his soul, got his regular show-pushing tractor stuck and then went after the "big guns".... a front end loader and scoop... He took huge mounds of snow the size of my car off into the field... I think I can brave the driveway tomorrow... It's one of those winters... He told us that in 1968 on this day it was 75 degrees, and he pitched horseshoes at his brother's 21st birthday party.... No horseshoes today for us.... and no party, actually! haha...
thank you for participating in our "SOYCM"....;)