Cindi is hosting a Year in Review Blog... Hop yourself over and see all her wonderful entries. Here, in no particular order... are some highlights of 2009. Thank you, Lord, for your many blessings throughout the year!

The year has been a mixture, a collage if you will, of wonderful and of sometimes difficult passages.

Springtime is a part of me now throughout the entire year. For the first time ever, I fell in love with each progressive season instead of biding my time through a summer I detested. I loved spring and summer this year.

Trips on a daily basis to Mom's Radiation therapy for breast cancer were not as bad as we feared. We actually made it through that ordeal okay. The aftermath has been difficult for her, but through it all she has consistently demonstrated a grand strength of will and determination I would do well to emulate.

No Review without my Dartha!!! The "pretty" duck who lives in Rothwell Park and gobbles any crumbs I send her way...

This fall marked a loss and a re-gaining of a pet! My Sal who lives with Gerred went on a little kittykat mystery trip for over two weeks. Clawless and never once in the outdoors in her eleven years, she managed to fend off the coyotes and the predators and return triumphantly and affectionately to his kitchen! Praises!!!!

This shopping trip to Randolph Mercantile started the year off right on January 10th. Hmmm.. Just in time to use my gift certificate again, huh?

My first year to actually work at raising flowers... Usually I have one or two and they die due to irresponsibility... Mom instills a sense of that! hahaha... to say the least. Ours were lovely this year.

I had an apron party for my cousin's 60th birthday in February... What fun.

I fell in love with THE GILMORE GIRLS. Alas, I didn't finish the series yet.. I never want to be done with some things... Also I read some things about the last seasons that made me sad... I wanted it to work out better!!! Unlike life.

Easter's Eggstravanza...

I bought a Cricut and began making cards... something I want to pursue in 2010... It brings out the artiste in me... and the happy child.. I love it!

Mom and I took many a Saturday and daily trip to Chance's Gardens, Amish land, and just here and there.. We had lots of adventures and fun

Fall's mornings see me back headed to the schoolhouse where I've taught most of my 35 years of teaching... Will this be the last? Still to be decided.

Fall's decorations are always high on my list of priorities.. I began a little in late August...

See my loot from birthday and Mother's Day gift certificates to Randolph Mercantile???? I love that place....

Still dreaming of having that perfect pot of hot cocoa for Christmas... My vacation is almost over... Mom's still not feeling well, and tomorrow I'm fixing fantail shrimp and mini steaks, baked potatoes, and salad ... plus a little bit of cabbage for wealth!!!! My son is coming over, and I hope Mom feels like coming to the table. If not, we'll take the table to her in bed...

I have no plans for tonight... I am a bit melancholy and a bit excited... I am in the midst of a NEW bible study from Beth Moore called The Inheritance, and it totally is awesome.. I plan to watch the next installment of that tonight and drink a pot of coffee... I stay up all night anyway, so midnight isn't really much of a hurdle!!! Hugs to all.. Happy 2010... Thank you to all of you who read my humble blog. It truly makes my day...
Isn't this a great idea for us to share our best!?!? Please come visit my post when you get a chance.
Hope 2010 will bring you much happiness!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Happy New Year!
Robin's Egg Blues
You had quite the year in 2009. I hope your mother continues to do well in fighting breast cancer and your pet never escapes again!
Pretty photos of a full year.
Wishing you the best for 2010.