Wrong Side of the Bed... yeah, right... More prophecies from my Grandmother.....
It all started early on this bright blue October morning. I have a somewhat new mattress topper that I adore sleeping on -------except for one major pain! The thing slips and slides all over the bed throughout the night. I hate to wake up and find myself on a downhill slant, so I often go to the other side of the bed and give it a huge yank... This morning early before dawn, I actually got out of bed on the North side... a big no, no, evidently... For the day was never to be redeemed after that. First, I must have inadvertently set every alarm on my phone. The two that go off to drag me out of bed and hurry me along on weekdays... they went off in all their strident glory. ------ Then a miscellaneous one was active, so I again found the phone and disabled the angry bird who threatened my peace....and finally I heard my weekend alarm playing "Carry On, My Wayward Son" by Kansas... way too early... So I got up...
Mom asked me to fix the steaksfor lunch, so I decided to lightly salt and pepper them before browning and then adding a can of cream of mushroom soup for a slow bake in the oven... Yeah... LIGHTLY pepper!!!!
My mind was elsewhere. I turned on the stove to brown my meat. I opened the largest hole on this pepper box and gave it a masterful shake over the pan of steaks. About a cup of pepper cascaded out. So ......I washed the steaks and re-salted and re-peppered them... I stuck one in the skillet... OMIGOLLYGEEWHIZ!!! Wet steak. Screaming hot oil. It exploded down the stove and all over the floor and my little bare foot!!!! (Eeeeek! I'm okay, just lightly scalded...) I cleaned oil, and mopped with soap, vinegar, and some kind of miracle cleaner from QVC (no miracle, imagine that?) and soaked my foot in ice water... I silently cursed my menu.... I continued with the day, the thoughts of my gramma echoing in my heart and mind. Gramma always said that when you mess up and break or do stupid things, the curse comes in threes... This was only two. I was in a grumpy mood the rest of the day, thinking I was such a dummy and wondering what would be number three?????
Bam! I found and executed two spiders, one brown, and one black. They crawled from the box of lace and doo dads I have been saving for a school project.... This is the year for spiders, I have heard... Well, I think these two would beg to differ... My question is this: Have I started on the second cycle of three? Or is a spider a different kind of thing??? Or maybe the pepper/burn incident was actually all one big mess...???? Who knows... But I do know grades are due tomorrow, and I have to quit procrastinating and get busy... Have a great week!

Number 3 was happening while I thought about it... Down the four stairs to my room, my candle (which, yes, I had left unattended, as well)... was burning a hole in my new fireplace mantel from my son... The candle glass exploded, and it was a runny, waxy, charred spot... Great.
At least then, after a prayer of gratitude that I didn't burn down the house, I breathed a sigh of relief... and I decided to finish cleaning on the closet I had started Friday.....

Glad you didn't mention feeling poorly. Hopefully that means you are recuperating...
You have described a chandler's nightmare. I wake up early with fear in my heart that a candle I have made might go awry somewhere.
I am so glad you found that one in time.
Becky K.