Saturday, October 3, 2009

Kiss and Tell....

Can you see the kiss of frost on these leaves? In the glimmer of a fall morning, ---- spectacular!
Time, you ticking villain... No harvest for this barn!

Right in the middle of a field... this well-kept beauty marks the days... She can see somebody new down the road....

Today's new beauty... This is my cousin's home-to-be. What rapid changes in the past two weeks.... from the shot below.
I think it's exciting and quite spiritual to watch the rise and fall of homes and barns. Something about construction/destruction.... I think about the decisions to build, tend, and finally detach and the way these have changed the face of our world. My own home is tucked into a three cornered patch of property behind a row of trees. During the years I lived there, my dad kept a little patch of trees cut in the front of my house... (presumably to let me see the highway, but I think I know better!) I believe the little tree clearing was instigated by my mother so she could see whether I was home or not when she went by! haha... I base my premise on the amount of grumbling I hear from her half of the car when we can't determine the wherabouts of my son and if/who he had visiting... It's a hoot. My mother and many of my friends belong to the school of ask and listen... I, however, was evidently nurtured on the "don't ask, don't tell" kind of system... I put myself on the "BWANA" system (need to know basis). I feel happier in my own little fog without any undue pressure to determine anything about anybody... that is, until I'm in a deep conversation with one of my best friends or my mom--- then I feel quite "stoopid!" haha...
I'm in the mood for a big slow-cooker of vegetable soup for Sunday dinner... Doesn't that sound heavenly? The temperature hovered at 52/53 degrees today, and the clouds layered over the land in that downy gray-blue fluff that makes a pot of soup sound like a feast... I'm in for the day... All in, in fact!

1 comment:

Apron of the Month Club said...

Ah, you lucky girl with cooler temperatures already. I'm in deep south Texas at 99 degrees...pew!!! I love the white house in the middle of the field. I loved you said that she was waiting for someone to drive up. I could almost see the anticipation and an vintage car drive up. I sure hope the veg. soup was good.

Yoli :)