Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Right Gift

Sometimes the right gift just jumps out and waves its arms... and that's what happened Saturday when I saw this carpenter's box with the name NANA on it. One of my dearest friends is "Nana" to five beautiful grandchildren. Now this friend is kind, true, a real sister in the spirit who always can be found in my corner, so naturally this had to come home with me. I could have saved it until her June birthday, until Easter... until St. Patrick's Day, at least... but nah... I'm taking it to her tomorrow after school. I have trouble with gifts like this. I can never wait. Maybe that's why I have learned to procrastinate holiday shopping??? Yeah, that's probably it... Have a great week, everyone. I'm up for a few more hours with grades to figure and post online. Yep... the quarter ended Friday; grades due Monday, and Daylight Savings Time figures in, as well... We gotta know we're "loved." ha!


Allidink said...

I am the same way about gifts! I always love finding the PERFECT one and I can hardly wait (I usually don't) to give it. Lucky you for finding it! Your so kind to be thinking of your friend. :)

All the best,

Becky K. said...

I've been holding a fun little gift for my Mom until her birthday on Wednesday. Hope I still like it until
I can be a bit fickle on the whole gift giving thing.

Phyllis said...

Oh gosh, I couldn't have passed this up either - I'm a nana too! And I'm bad about saving gifts too. I get soooo excited about the giving and I just can't wait.

It's great to have fun giving to special friends! You did good.

Joy Jones said...

Hi Gayla! How sweet and kind you are to think of your friend this way! I have a hard time keeping gifts to myself too....that's why I am usually a last minute shopper, so I won't be tempted! ~ xoxo Joy