Oh, look what spoke to me today when I visited my favorite gift shop!!! Isn't it magnificent? I spotted it (with my new eyes the shop was a first-time experience, actually) way atop a cupboard. Ooooooh! I love, love those colors, love butterflies .... and actually love the idea and sometimes the taste of squash.... it's such an earthy, wholesome, country-folk food. It wasn't too expensive, and I still had a gift certificate from my birthday in June! I was set!

Then... these little items seemed destined to come my way... I mean, who seriously couldn't use a little light, a little hospitality from the pineapple candle, a little remembrance to dream, live, love, and have courage... It was a great little shopping excursion... and now it's time to make a big hot pot of vegetable beef soup for tomorrow's lunch... Weather down to 20, and predictions for cold and clear.... Soup's on.. Come over!

Isn't this fabulous? Randolph Mercantile in Moberly, MO!!! And the owner is even more wonderful than her store. She's a jewel!