Ho Ho Who?

above image is from

wbharding from Flickr... this is the most detailed moon I could find... didn't take my camera with me today!

Did anybody else find it amazing today when someone said, "In two weeks it will be Christmas Eve!"?????? Eeeeek. Somehow, the warm fall, the beautiful daze of early snowfall, the eye surgery... the SEVERE procrastination habit... and I'm behind for sure. Tomorrow without fail, I'm making my master list and getting my tail in gear. Got an A plus today for my right eye from the Doc. I saw the most miraculous sight tonight... on the way home from the Eye Surgeon.... Mr. Moon nodded his beautiful head my way. It's nearly full, a December moon is one of my very favorites... I have been a moon baby all my life... and tonight my Christmas wish was granted. I tell you what, people.. I saw only ONE moon... only one huge, glowing orb, the inspiration of poets and mystics... and he had a face... the features of the man in the moon... only visible to me in my so distant memory that I'd forgotten them... I thought they were stuff of paintings or photos but not visible to the human eye... and for years I'd been seeing blurry multiples... seven, eight moons all circled up like a garish rodeo... It was.... heaven. Sigh!!!!


Here is a shot of seven deer grazing in my mother's back field last Sunday.. Evidently they made it through deer season and will continue to visit her every morning... She watches them through her back window... A zoom lens would have been super!

Have a great week... Hugs!


Lisa Pogue said…
Due to working late, I've noticed how beautiful the moon is now. I'm so happy you FINALLY can see unblurried sights. That is so wonderful Gayla.
Anonymous said…
I'm glad you are not having difficulty with your eyesight any more. Happy weekend.

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