Once upon a time...

I used to hear about Rocky Horror Picture groupies who watched a movie hundreds of times... and I thought it impossible. I would love to know just how many times I've seen this lovely thing.... and why does it always cheer me, inspire me, and make me hope for the best? I once thought it was a chocolate thing... and I even to this day think of the movie when I brew a cup of hot cocoa from scratch, stir a pot of chocolate for candy or fudge... even when I sack up some bulk candies for my friends... I thought perchance it was Johnny Depp, and though he's fine, naw... it isn't Johnny... I then decided, and rightly so, that Juliette had to be the most amazing, interesting, and downright authentic goddess in movies... so I set out to watch all her movies, even the French ones... and she is beautiful and talented... but no, that's not it..

I think it is the combination of characters, the upbeat way she nods and administers her own special medicine without judgment to her friends. And the shop... As I ready my shop for any holiday or event, I wish to become Vianne.... So tonight I again go to sleep with that soundtrack playing, the images onscreen writing their way into my dreams. My sleeping soul sees a young minister dance to Hounddog... and I smile to see Pontoof hop hop hopping down the stone stairs.... If I hadn't brushed my teeth, I'd trot upstairs for some Cocoa Nibs or Cocoa with Chili peppers... Night... It's my favorite...


I could sooo be a Choclat groupie, if I weren't already a Last of the Mohicans groupie and a Dr. Zhivago groupie, and ....well, maybe we will just have to keep the list going. Susan
Anonymous said…
Dear Gayla
I have been reading your blog for an hour. Very peaceful.
Chocolat is also one of our favorite movies. Thank you for bringing me back to it one more time.
Have a great evening.
Anonymous said…
I can watch this movie OVER AND OVER! I also think Juliette Binoch is an amazing actress! This actually inspired my creativity again too! Of course, you don't have to ask..I own this movie. :)
Susie Q said…
One of my very favorite films...: )

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