My midnight buddy

Today I took Mom to her class reunion. Class of '42. A pert young server asked me a question about seating, and I said flippantly, "I dunno. Believe it or not, I didn't graduate in '42."
Her reply was a stunner. "Oh, really?" uh... yeah, oh really... Then she said, "What year DID you graduate?" with that bored who gives a flip tone reserved for the young, pretty, (dressed in pink polo ) "sweet young thangs" I have known...
I tepidly offered my response, wishing I'd never started this conversation: "1972."
To which she simply sighed, gave the arched eyebrow look of ???? "What's the difference?" and said politely. "I see."
Okay... maybe I'm cheap... but I left no tip... If I could give her one, it's don't do that again to women in their early fifties. And God help you if you make us feel "frumpy, fifty, and old....." ... Grrrr... Hugs!
hey..would like to invite you to join in the seed exchange event at my blog if you like to garden. hope you'll join in.