Outside @ 1:30 a.m. to sit on my park bench and watch the skies for storms, soak up the dank intensity of the night... Boom! Inside in a lightning's flash. Crawled into my bed, newly moved with the headboard on the west wall between two huge windows. Uh... along about 2 or so a.m..... Boom! Whoosh! Crash.... The T-storm hit with a fierce growl and whisked the curtains even around my bed.... I lay there about five minutes and thought about the big locust tree outside and the logistics of where it would crash and through which window.... and I high tailed it up to the main quadrant of the house and slept the rest of the night in my recliner. ----- Stay tuned a little later for some awesome pics of the gift I won on the Cottage Charm Giveaway.... How cute! ........