Ducks in a Row... Okay, Geese?

I have posted several times about my "babies" at the lake. Fridays I take my mother to the beauty shop for her weekly "do." It is fun for both of us because she gets to visit with her friends there while they pamper her, wash and set, and send her out all fresh and cute... and I race by a cool little drive-by Coffee shop called "Brewed Awakenings" (isn't that cute) and grab a sugar free strawberry white chocolate latte... (to die for... it's my summer sin until crisp autumn will bring in another flavor I'm sure). I scoot out to my favorite parking spot at the lake and hope I have brought a remnant of bread that could be spared... This week. No geese. I was a bit disappointed. I usually set the alarm on my phone so I can just read, feed the birds, or relax.... about 45 minutes usually.
As it is with life, a little purple martin popped by, pretty ecstatic to be the sole recipient of all those crumbs. He must have let the cat out of the bag because soon came his fellow martins in a swoop.... followed closely by those "lovely/ugly" Sith Darth Vader looking things. They seem all crippled up when they walk, look so exhausted, and don't really squawk. They kind of hiss and breathe like Darth!!! They were lappin' up the goodies. Suddenly the beauty girls.. (and maybe a gander?) came a flyin' across a bridge and down the street. What??? what????? They were missing out, and they were frantic... Then you should have seen the bread fly... It even went back up the air in smaller and smaller pieces as they shook little bites loose.... I had been feeding the Red Heads by hand, but soon got a little "chicken" as I feared being nipped by so many aggressive eaters.... It was a hoot. I love those guys....But I noticed when the really big chunks were gone, the pretty ones left first, the masked ducks second... and then the little purple martins were left bee-bopping around, picking up all the left overs.... kind of what you might call a "pecking order" for sure, huh? Have a good day. It's clouding up for another round of storms here. Beware picnickers....


Lisa Pogue said…
Sometimes these guys scare me. Had lunch with a friend a couple of times at the lake, they wouldn't leave us alone. HONK HONK
Lisa Pogue said…
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Gayla, Those pictures are wonderful. Perhaps you should consider nature photography for a hobby. Susan
Anonymous said…
How adorable....and I keep looking for Beatrix Potter and Jemina Puddleduck!!!! Thanks for sharing. XXX Annie from San Diego

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