A contest about Summer reading.... Read on!

Dating After 50: Negotiating The Minefields of Midlife Romance by M. D. Sharon Romm (Hardcover - Sep 9, 2005) - Large Print
Okay, so does this make anyone else laugh except me? I dunno... I just was looking through Amazon's selections that might be similar to my lovely book called The Age of Miracles, by Marianne Williamson... and I saw this one... Read it again..... Yeah, it's the large print thing that gets to me.... I must be a bit slap happy tonight.
I'd show you all a beautiful picture of what I accomplished today, but... you guessed it. I took one of those big sabbaticals and just took a gigantor nap of two and a half hours this afternoon in my recliner. During which time my 83 year old mother on her walker did a couple loads of laundry, put away dishes from having company to dinner last night, rearranged a closet shelf, and did some other stuff.... Do you think she noticed? ...... Yeah, she noticed.... I awoke feeling refreshed, kinda happy (I'd dreamed a rather happy little dream)... Sure I had the traditional "I napped too long" headache, but at least I felt human.
Did any of you belong to a summer reading group at your local library? It was a major thing in my summer to try to get my mom to take me to the nearest town (Macon) and let me be a part of that group. I understand now just why it wasn't all that terrific for her to leave her summer work of mowing, canning, cleaning, laundry, gardening... you name it, my Mother was knee deep in it.... and drive twenty miles, sit in a boiling hot car for over an hour and let me be read to... I didn't go to that part that I recall... but I did participate in the weekly thing of reading so many books. You bet. Our reward the only year I recall was a movie. We saw Lad: A Dog, and I was the only one who absolutely bawled her eyes out. The next year they saw Big Red, and I stayed home. Having seen it later at the Drive-In, I was sure I made the best choice. What is it with dog movies? They are simply sadder than they need to be....
I am in the market for some summer books. Leave a comment related to your favorite book or books..... I'll draw a winner from all the comments left in June that mention books, and I'll send that person a surprise book from my stunning collection.... Who knows? I might even have more than one winner. (I have tons of great books that I don't mind sharing.)
My recommendations (since you asked) are going to be posted along this month. I will have to think about the choices. I have mentioned a few I have read this winter, which are amazing.... Williamson, Follett, and of course my Irish poet.... but surely there are more great books out there. I'd also love to hear about favorite coffee table books and how to's and self helps.... and anything that you find yourself coming back to time and time again.... like Simple Abundance or Romancing the Ordinary. Both are soul savers of mine.... I think I'll return to my book right now.... Have a good one.
Wendy, ethelsmommy@yahoo.com
My favorite book is "The Notebook" by Nicolas Sparks. You may have seen the movie, but to me the book is way better, and everyone that I've given it to, male and female, have all loved it and had a tear or two after reading it. I just love the sentiment behind the story. In my opinion, it's one of the best love stories about never-ending love that I've read.
I'll come back with some other recommendations.
... and by the way, The House in the Roses is having a garden party and would love to see you participate... come see and show us what's growing in your garden!
Hugs, and a blessed weekend to you
This was a great idea...I'll keep checking back to see what is recommended.
Becky K.
I have books that I save for summer and others for winter. One summer book that I love to re-read is Daphne DuMaurier's Frenchman's Creek. I can just feel the heat of the sun on the lawn when I read it.
And another book along the same lines is L.M. Montgomery's The Blue Castle. She's the author of Anne of Green Gables.
Then there are Rosamund Pilcher's books - Coming Home is one that I enjoy re-reading.