Senior Good-bye
Whew! It is so nearly here! I decided to treat my seniors today since it's officially their last day in my morning classes. What would you tell yourselves if you could send a little memo to the senior you once were? My kids are so grown up, yet such little children... They got to keep the memories sign and a gift certificate to Mickey D's.
I didn't have my fine feathers on this morning... no tablecloth or candles.... but kinda slid in home by the skin of my teeth, stopping at the store on the way to school and nabbing a sophomore or two to help me carry in my loot.
I think I'd tell myself, that where did she go?-girl from 1972's graduating class, that probably storms will come (and they have a little, or course)... The skies will puff up and look pretty threatening...
Sometimes I know I had my Head under my wing just oblivious to the future.... And often I revert to that pose still.... These geese were sleeping this weekend when I went to feed them a cinnamon roll, so they missed a golden opportunity.
I would tell the young me to opt for a nice pair of shades to filter out the harmful glaring truths...
Here are my top ten advice tips to the senior me:
Remember when you were there together with your friends before the "day" started.... Snoozing around?

Here are my top ten advice tips to the senior me:
1. Say what you mean to people. Be kind hearted always, but be truthful about how you feel. If you love them, tell them that you love them. If they've hurt your feelings, let them know it. Don't swallow it all and get bitter and petty.... (who me?)
2. Be smart with money. Credit cards are from the devil. Enough said.
3. Walk, move, and stay healthy.
4. Build a house with an attached garage and a door opener.
5. Always thank everyone for everything. Never assume anybody feels the love without your saying it.
6. Sit on decisions for a long time. Impulsive choices might seem amazing and fab, but they often are just dumb choices you have to live with or without forever. But then, don't sit and stew just too long... and oh, yeah... the thinking time is better spent privately..... keep some of your thoughts to yourself.
7. Read, watch, and speak uplifting material. Concentrate on the good and DON'T BURN BRIDGES..... I have had to crawl back over so many bridges in my life. I'm so grateful they weren't in cinders.
8. Celebrate with your friends and family... all the things that make a season, a year, a lifetime. Own your joy and your sorrow. It is what makes you real.
9. Search continually for a higher, better, happier, prettier moment.... and at the same time be content in the now.
10. Always leave a little mystery. That is why I am NEVER gonna tell you guys what number 10 is.... Wouldn't you love to know?
Another year lives ahead for your students. You were so nice to make something of it for them....
Becky K.
Hugs and Love,
Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day....
And I think I am going to do like the geese birdies they are!