Well, look at this... A future bakery and arcade had the good grace to fall in before it was totally occupied and inhabited by young people. I cannot imagine how many lives could have been impacted by this, but nobody at all was injured. Evidently hours and hours of work are lost because it was in the process of being remodeled. The building in Macon was originally condemned and then resold, I'm told. That might have been a mistake in judgement for the city to sell such a fragile structure. Dunno why this made such an impact on so many people because most of us haven't been in the building ever or for many years.
As a parable, it tells me that one can only
renovate and improve and remove weight bearing supports so many times. I therefore am glad I didn't have time to curl my hair this morning... I'd hate to wind up like this old
colossus.. This is the last week in the quarter, so it's a busy bee time. I think we're smack out of snow days. Guess it's time to just "hunker down" as my
gramma used to say.
Stay standing,
Looks like we hang out at many of the same blogs!