Another Great Book!

THIS ONE is GREAT!!!!! It speaks to the midlife in my bones... haha.. (Is that where it lies?). One line in this new treasure says something like, "So what if your arms are not as firm as they used to be. You finally truly know what is worth holding on to." (paraphrase). She embraces the aspects of growing "up" or older with such a gentle, calming spirit. I needed that. I have heard she was on Oprah today, and if all went well, I have her sitting across the room on my TIVO. Hallelujah. That will beat the Oprah sessions last week with blue man and the people who eat out of dumpsters. I'm happy for fast forward button some days... and others, like the day Oprah let her camera man meet Carol Burnett... and he cried... ------priceless!
Ramble. ramble. And I'm lucky to be able to do that. Today was simple frantic. I rearranged my classroom into kind of a computer/tech based station. I call it an Internet Cafe, and the kids loved it. It looks so wonderful and seemed to cut down on the fooling around a bit... I so wished for the mocha lattes to go with the Internet cafe thing, but they didn't seem to notice! Further into the day came Meetings with principal and faculty, and an errant printer repairmen who disappeared without rendering full service. The lad then WENT home while my printer still spontaneously prints 40-50 sheets of paper with nothing on them except one line of symbols per page. I call it "mother ship" language, and that just wasn't what I envisioned when I assigned foldables book projects due next week. I want my PRINTER!!! (sob!) just the general stuff usually reserved for Manic Mondays or Frantic Fridays... but it was supposed to be Tranquil Thursday... Ugh.... I like to have Wistful Wednesdays and Turn-To Tuesdays!
Also took my mom to her hairdresser's, had dinner out, and made a huge flying trip to Wally World for groceries for Mom and me.... Earlier I lost my car at work cause the garage repairmen parked it a block away.... (But I later learned he gave me three good tires, so I shouldn't and won't complain!). I finally fell asleep holding a glass of water and talking to Mom... (She wasn't too flattered, of course.) But if my little eyes will stay open, I'm watching Marianne W. on Oprah....
If you're into midlife stuff, this book is a nice mental Rx.... Some of you are just too young! haha.. Aw..... don't expect my pity!