Sometimes for a "smart girl" I am pretty slow. I've been waiting (kind of patiently) for my mother's service technician to come to her house and install my television from my bedroom here at home in HER house in my little "sleeping apartment" over there. I have been there nearly every night except for maybe six or seven since my dad died, and it looks to be a Permanent situation. I call it her "
fraidy cat" disease, but she isn't going to stay by herself, I think... Anyway, last night it hit me about seven o'clock that duh... I could have my son bring over my television early and a couple of
DVD's. She goes to bed about nine, and I am a night owl and a half... I haven't been sleeping well, and just reading or eating and totally flipping out for about two hours until I can even think about bed... I usually go about one in the morning... My son raced over with my
tv and a handful of my favorites... Miss Potter, Some Kind of Wonderful, and of course, Practical Magic.... The music, the house, THE HOUSE!!!!!! oh, I love that movie, especially the first hour... I'm not into that last part where it gets kind of dopey... but I love to watch Sally get her shop ready... I can imagine it is Shady Peanut Lane filled with all kinds of lovely lotions....
mmmmm.... My favorite movie to bring over would have been
Chocolat, but alas! he couldn't find it... I can... or I'll buy another.. One cannot be without a
Chocolat in every format, my dears! Anyway, I put on Practical Magic and it lulled me to a lovely dream of enchanted teaspoons stirring my coffee, of beautiful mansions, and deliciously happy old aunties.... It is soothing and fun.... and charming.... Don't you love the little girls? The time I saw it first was on a crisp fall day. My family had all gone somewhere, and I took a little chicken salad lunch for myself to the park and had a picnic under the trees, then took myself to the movies and watched this little treasure.. I remember I had a new bottle of Pear Linden lotion from Fruits and Passion (now a discontinued fragrance, which is
sooooo sad to me). I forever remembered that day when I used that lotion... Scents, potions.... magic.... I better touch these tired feet to the real firmament world and get ready for school... My juniors and seniors in Practical English won't identify with the practical magic lunacy that threatens my sobriety this morning... Enjoy the autumn... It finally feels like it's here... Hallelujah....