Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Karla's Party from my House to Yours!

I've decided to take part in Karla's party (see her pretty blog with all the party animals here).
Here are some favorite shots around my house.... enjoy the cool days, y'all.

Teacups start my day.... My favorite corner of the kitchen

My Christmas mantel
Santas in September? Ha!
Color coded books, with a few stuck here and there to make me feel at home... My friends, the books!
My summer faerie mantel..... How I enjoy these little pixies to keep me company!
The belle of the ball!
Gone to Mothers, but this little cot still sleeps like a cloud!

Come in for a little cup of spiced coffee this morning!!!
Sally ponders the new French Veterinarie poster! Hmmm... does she know French, as well?
Little pitchers are my passion.
And blue china
Love my red accents and my crows.... I so far haven't used the big cooler, but I have high hopes of a big party yet!


Terri Steffes said...

I love your teacups and the blue and white. Darling! Come and see my tour if you haven't already!

Cynthia said...

I love the color coded books. That looks so pleasing to my eyes. Thanks for sharing pictures of your home. It looks very cozy!

Dana said...

I Love your red walls. You've inspired me to paint my kitchen walls red. Your cat is Very Cute she has Huge eyes!
Thanks for sharing your home!

Becky K. said...

Your sweet kitty reminds me of our Bitsy that we lost this year. Our other 2 kitties keep us busy, though.

I really love your teacup collection. It is beautiful.
